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Bibs Supreme dummies


BIBS Supreme-dummies

Find your BIBS Supreme-dummies here


BIBS-dummies are designed and produced in Denmark and have been on the market for around 50 years. Making them both an approved and popular brand, known and used throughout generations. BIBS is amongst other things, known for its good quality and durability, and the BIBS dummies are naturally no exception. 

These dummies come in more than 15 colors, giving you a good chance to find just the right one for you and your child.  Find the entire selection here on our website. 


At Byhappyme, you can pick which colors you want for your BIBS dummies, as the dummies are sold individually. You can thereby pick precisely which colors you want, with a minimum order of 3 pieces.  Aside from this, you can design your own personal BIBS Supreme-dummies with text and motifs and thereby create a unique and personal dummy for your child. 


Get safe dummies of the best quality at Byhappyme

Byhappyme is  Denmark’s leading supplier of dummies,  original dummies produced by approved suppliers, which means you can securely order from the brands you know and love.


All our dummies are naturally 100 percent BPA free, PVC free, phthalate free and fulfill the EU standard EN-1400. This naturally includes the BIBS Supreme dummies as well.  


What are the BIBS Supreme known for?

The BIBS Supreme-dummies are available in silicone and natural rubber / latex. 

The Supreme dummy is a ventilation dummy, which allows the teat to be pressed completely flat, so air can come out, thereby protecting the child’s gums.  

Aside from this, the symmetrical shape means that the pacifier always sits right inside the child’s mouth, which supports the Supreme-dummy’s ventilation function, which reduces the risk of pacifier teeth. 


We carry multiple sizes of the Supreme model, so you can choose from: 

  • Size 1, which is suitable for 0-6 months.
  • Size 2, which is suitable for 3-36 months. 


Choose BIBS Supreme-dummies with name and motifs

At Byhappyme you can design your own BIBS Supreme dummy.


If you choose to design your own BIBS Supreme-dummy, there are countless combinations. With the Supreme-model we offer 3 piece set prices, where you get to choose the color, text and motif of each dummy. The text and motifs are engraved using a laser which ensures that it lasts forever and does not disappear with wear and tear.  


Hurry on in and play around with the many possible combinations and find the right look for your child’s pacifier. 


There are many advantages to choosing a BIBS Supreme with name

If you choose to engrave your child’s name or another text on your dummy, you choose between various different font types. You also have the option to put your own personal touch on the look so you get a unique and personal dummy. 


Aside from the unique design and the personal touch, dummies with name are also very practical. They make it easier for both you are your child to recognise their dummies, as well as the workers at the kindergarten and daycare. This way you also reduce the chance of infection from dummies being swapped around between kids, especially nice during flu season.  


Put your child’s favourite motif on their pacifier 

If you choose to put a motif on your  BIBS Supreme dummy, you can choose between multiple different motifs, which make your dummy extra personal.


Choose a motif that fits you and your child and makes the dummy recognisable for both of you. Self efficiency is the perfect help in your everyday life, for both you and your daycare workers. Being able to recognise belongings and help out with small everyday problems generally makes children happy too. 


Combine text and motifs on your BIBS Supreme-dummies

Finally you can choose to combine the two design options and choose both a name and motif for your BIBS Supreme dummies.

This way it’s easier, when there are for example multiple Williams and Olivias in kindergarten, as well as it being a personal and fun twist that most kids love.